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for further details see our policies page

Note: Our Admissions Policy Document for September 2017 (Reception) is now available.

Applying for a place in Smithy Bridge Nursery in September 2017

Nursery Packs are now available from the school office.
An information and application form can be downloaded here.
Applications MUST be returned to the school no later than Friday 15th January 2017

Applying for a place at Primary School (Reception) in September 2017

Applications are now being accepted for children who are due to start primary school in September 2017. You will receive a letter with a unique code so you can register and submit your application through the 'School Admissions System'.

Before you apply for a primary or secondary school place, read the relevant information to make sure you understand the admissions process and make the best choice for your child.

Note: Our Admissions Policy Document for September 2017 (Reception) is now available.

To apply online, which is quick and convenient, and also download the booklet "Starting Primary School" which gives you lots of information about applying:        visit Rochdale School Admissions



We hope your child will already have been talking about joining in the life of Smithy Bridge School.

This gives you the ideal opportunity to talk positively with your child about all the exciting things that happen at school, a place where it's fun to be. Stress the positive things with your child, and if need be, talk to us about the things which cause concern, as very often we can quickly get rid of such fears with your support.


If your child is joining the Reception Class at the beginning of the school year, he or she will attend part-time for the first few weeks, although he or she will come every school day.

This is to make sure that your child is not over-tired or over-faced by too many new experiences at once. Your child will get to know the grown-ups quicker, adjust to the different routine more easily, and because he or she enjoyed it all, your child will want to talk all these things over at home with you.

Many parents like a list of suggestions to help their child starting full-time school, for the first time. None are vital, and because every child is different, some children will find them easy, whilst others will not be ready to do them just yet. Even if your child can only do some of these things, it is a big help:

* blow nose efficiently and be used to having a hanky in pocket.

* get undressed for PE (send your child in easy clothes for PE days!)
and then dressed again afterwards (practise with those buttons and zips!)

* have a go at putting on shoes and doing up laces

* put on and take off outdoor clothes, and then hang them up on the peg

* use a knife and fork reasonably well in the correct hands

* go to toilet unaided, and know how to use it properly (but accidents
do happen, so don't worry; and again practise undoing those buttons and zips!

* wash own hands and dry them unaided

* tidy away toys or equipment that he or she has been using

* sit still and listen at least for a short time - e.g. for a story

* follow an adult's simple instructions.

Other very useful things you can do are:

* encourage your child to sit still and play with something
quietly for a little while each day.

* encourage him or her to draw and colour in, trying to get
your child to grip the pen or pencil properly.

* encourage your child to talk with you about what he or she
has seen and done, particularly when your child was not with you.

* encourage your child to enjoy stories and books with you, and
have a set time, perhaps a bedtime story every day, when you can
read to your child on a one-to-one basis, even if this can't be
for very long.

* encourage your child to own his or her collection of books,
particularly copies of stories that are really enjoyed over and
over again. When buying books for presents, check the quality
of the pictures.....are they as good as the story? Your child will
enjoy the book much more if the pictures increase the pleasure of
you reading to him or her.

* encourage your child to be aware of number, e.g. counting out the plates when setting the table or counting the stairs when going to bed.

* make games out of shapes and colours, helping him or her to know
the colour names from every day objects, and matching shapes (perhaps when you're out shopping by giving your child two or three labels from empty tins or packets and asking him or her to find identical full ones.)

You can make all these into games that are fun.................not a lesson!


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