Medal Bonanza

This week’s assembly on Friday 14th July was a medal bonanza!
Mrs George was inundated with sporting achievements this week!
We awarded the year group sports day winners their gold, silver
and bronze medals as well as the endeavour awards per year
group based on the scores from last week’s fabulous sports day!
We also gave certificates to our athletics teams who performed
at the annual event on Wednesday night at Spring Hill. The
Year 1/2 team who represented the school at the Mini Olym-
pics at Wardle High also came 1st winning gold medals for
each of the 8 competitors! Mrs George also proudly presen-
ted the league trophy to Mr Royston’s A team of footballers
who had won the league yet again; going all season unde-
feated! Some of our playground pals also won a fabulous
trophy for the trophy cabinet after designing their own
playground game to plan and deliver to other children up
at Wardle high school! What a fabulous end to the term!


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