Our Kingswood Adventure

On the 2nd and 3rd of May, Year 4 went on a fantastic
residential trip to Kingswood! We all had an amazing
time and really challenged ourselves with all the
different activities.

Read "My Kingswood Diary" underneath the photos





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Dear Diary,

I have just come back from the most amazing trip to Kingswood. We went for 2 days and it was great. When we got there, we got our bags and took them to a shed. Then we went on a tour around Kingswood.

Our first activities were Zip lining which was awesome. There were 3 steps: the first step was to drop a blue bag then un do a clip finally you had to pull a lever.
Then we did shelter building which was very hard. We built a Lenten and you had to find 2 trees about 2 metres apart then find 2 sticks shaped like a y then put loads of sticks on to it and loads of leafs on top.

After that, we did outdoor Laser which was fantastic! There were 2 sides blue side and a red. At first we did team battle then we did a game were you had to protect your leader. The leader only had 1 life but everybody else has as many as they wanted. (How unfair!)

Tea time and bed time were great fun. I loved spending time with my friends in our rooms we had to go to bed at 9pm.

The next morning after breakfast, we did bouldering this was my favourite activity.  We climbed walls and crawled through caves. After lunch we went home on the coach.  I loved Kingswood it was great.

By Joseph A




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